
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Getting into the Spirit of the Proceedings 

CD of the Week: She's the One
You grew up fast.

Flick of the Week: Nixon
When that far down, there's only up.

CFTP: pg 139
The words are coming fast.

The mailbag is full of opinion. Who would have known how strongly people cared about my little vote? As usual, I'm compelled to put your fears to rise:

This is ridiculous. You are a mockery of your generation.

Thank you?

Hey, I know you. You're politics don't mesh with Nixon's.

You're missing the point: I stand by my position that a bad, dead president (Nixon), whose politics I may or may not agree with at all, would be better than the Big Two.

OK, OK. Another rant about how bad the ballot is this year. What I want to know is who do you think will win? And who do you want to win?

Good question. I think Kerry's got the Mo, but it's not Big Mo. As far as who do I want to win? Sheesh, neither! But I see what you're getting at. I guess I'm screwed either way and I'm lucky either way: Even-Steven. Why, you ask?

Because if Bush wins, while I'll be terribly disappointed that we told this guy we think it's OK, what he's (not) done these past four years, I'll be delighted that all the know-it-all liberals who can't see any position but their own will be deflated and depressed. And if Kerry wins, sure, I'll have to put up with the joyous, obnoxious liberals (I can imagine Rather's face right now), but at least the music at the inauguration will be decent. See? Even-Steven.

Why not vote for 3rd party, like Libertarian, Green, or Nader?

I voted 3rd party in 2000: John Hagelin of the Natural Law Party. That party doesn't exist anymore and I think Hagelin is one of the guys trying to colonize the moon or something. No, I don't agree with most of the 3rd parties any more than I do the Big Two.

If you're going for Nixon, you're pushing pretty low. I know you think he should be given a second chance, but he's a Republican. You supposedly hate the two major parties. You should vote for Zachary Taylor. He was a Whig.

You may be onto something.

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