
Thursday, July 14, 2005

This is What Sucks 

So my little sister came home with a hickey the other day. Today is her 17th birthday, and there's this dinner my parents are having for her. The whole fam will be there, plus her boyfriend, Daniel.

And my mom's just called to inform me that I can't make any comments.

So I just want to say, for the record, that I think:
A.) This is BULLSHIT! When I came home with a hickey (which I NEVER wanted, by the way) one night, my mom and sister wouldn't shut up about it (although I have to admit some guys on the track team gave me this approving "guy's nod" that was able to respond to with a superior chin-raise).
B.) Dinner would be a lot more fun if I could say, "Hey, Danny, you mind passing me the burgers? I'd sure like to suck on some meat right now."
C.) Dinner would be even more fun if I could say, "Boy, I am just sucking down this cake like . . . well kind of like how when two people are necking and, well . . . you get it.

All the time, fun is just SUCKED right out of my life.

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