
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

If I Could Hold On To Just One Thought For Long Enough To Know 

I had one of those moments today, in which I thought someone was going to say what I was thinking. Therefore, I started to vocalize it . . . just when they said the exact opposite of what I was thinking.

It was kind of like a Hitler-Chamberlain thing. "Oh! Oh, so THAT's how it's going to be. Oh. I see. I'm just going to go home now."


I got the new Pearl Jam. It's better than the old Pearl Jam. I'm just not sure yet if it's my new special cd of the moment or not.


The local newspaper is all up in arms about the death penalty. For days, they've been espousing these crappy editorials, just begging readers to side with them against instituting the death penalty. To my knowledge, they've made about one worthwhile point. Otherwise, though, I love to watch them squirm in agony. Liberals really do inflict self-torture with the precision and consistency of space age technology. It's a remarkable thing to watch.


It's that it became this big "thing". That's what kills me. It was just supposed to be some quick, casual, laid-back sort of . . . . and then it became this "thing", with invitations and discussions and emails and opinions. And now I think I'll just stay home and tap these keys and wonder at how people my age, for all their righteousness and experience, are really not that fun to be around.

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