
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

On Snap Judgments 

I guess a proper welcome is in order. It seems ol' Got Mashed Potatoes has found itself some new readership. Unfortunately, now I have to go and do one of the things I hate doing, which is explaining myself. Oh well.

You see, when one begins a website -- even one as small and insignificant as this one -- he doesn't think of his wife's ex-friends finding it. And that's OK. That's great. That's what the Internet is for. Everyone gets curious about where people ended up at some point.

And really, there are no secrets here. None published anyway. But I ought to warn against taking everything here literally or seriously. Long-time readers of the site also happen to be friends, so they already know this. For example, they probably know that the last post here was just a jumble of my observations at three in the morning, all put under the title of a Pixies lyric. The lyric came to mind because I had just read a very old email, and the sentiment of the email seemed to fit a direction I'm taking in a book I'm writing, but have no desire to attempt to publish.

See -- very simple. Very banal. Quite uninteresting, I know. So there's no reason to fly off the handle, call my wife, and ask questions about fidelity. Although, I have to admit, I'm a bit touched by the sentiment. I think.

I think this whole thing could have been avoided if people just were a bit more familiar with the Pixies. So that, to me, is the lesson of the day here: let's all go out and buy a Pixies album.

And let's hope I don't have any more explaining to do. I'd much rather get back to writing about trying to run fast, new music, and the beautiful fall air that's taken over the climate.

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