
Thursday, June 07, 2007

Begging for a Broken Arm 

Well, hell. I had my first injury of the year. Of the last couple years. Make sense of this:

1.) I notice some soreness in my inner knee. This had actually going on several weeks. It felt kind of like an IT-ban thing, but . . . not sure. The soreness isn't bad. Not sharp. Sort of a tightness.
2.) Being a savvy veteran, I begin treating this injury with the only two remedies known to any runner in the business: ice and ibuprofen. This -- surprise-surprise -- fails to do any good.
3.) So I decide, in the interest of not wanting this injury to get worse (even though it really wasn't bad, just worrisome and not improving) that I will rest it. So I plan to take 3 days off. In the end, I go whole-hog and take 5 off.
4.) My first day back, the knee is iffy. OK on asphalt, not so good on grass, which isn't a great surprise, as it never seemed like a "pounding" injury.
5.) The second day back, the injury is definitely worse. It hurts the same as it ever did, despite the surface. Doesn't hurt enough to keep me down, but it shows me the rest did nothing. So I decide I will run the knee into the ground. No use going to a PT or doctor with a half-injury. Might as well go messed-up.
6.) The third day back, the knee is fine. The fourth day back, the knee is fine.

I love the sport, but it would be really refreshing if I could just get a broken arm some time.

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