
Friday, June 08, 2007

Rainbow Flags Between Alligator Teeth 

Well, it's the weekend of Pridefest here in Milwaukee, so all the gay people are proud.

Maybe that came off wrong. I certainly don't mean to belittle the proud gay folk. It just seems to me that this weekend gives the Pride a reason to be even more gay than, say, a regular weekend out to Home Depot and Target. In fact, it seems to me that it becomes a bit of a competition to see who can be the most gay. And I'm so tired of that. My only message here is:

You're gay already. We get it. Congratu-fricken-lations. Do you think the rest of us really care? You don't have to push it all in our faces.

Disclosure: I work in a call center in which . . . . 50% of the employees are gay. So I'm familiar with the Pride. I'm good with the Pride. Love the Pride. OK? But enough is e-fricken-nough. You're gay, already. We get it.

And why did you have to fucking co-opt the rainbow, huh? I want to discuss that, while I'm at it. Thanks to the Pride, any straight person with an interest in a rainbow catches themselves and thinks: "I can't wear that shirt, everyone will think I'm gay."

Now, I know where the Pride line of thinking goes: "That's the POINT! Maybe THEY'LL understand what it's like to . . ." Blah, blah, blah.

The rainbow is a result of weather. Couldn't you have co-opted something else? How about alligators? Alligators would have been a much cooler image to steal. Why can't gay people have alligator bumper stickers or fly alligator flags?

I know the Pride won't accept my alligator submission. They would feed me some line of crap about how "all the colors of the rainbow symbolize the rich diversity of the gay blah, blah, blah, blah, blah".

You stole the fucking rainbow. You want symbolism? How about tough skin? Huh? How about sharp teeth? What's wrong with that symbolism?

I just want it on record that if I were president of gays everywhere, they would be flying alligator flags and we would be giving rainbows back to the pre-schoolers.

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